The board of directors of Saturna Capital Corporation, acting for itself and its subsidiaries, and the board of trustees of both Saturna Investment Trust and Amana Mutual Funds Trust adopted this Code of Ethics to assist in maintaining the highest standards of conduct. All persons must comply with applicable federal and state securities laws, as well as the rules of applicable self-regulatory organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Transactions in investments specifically stated as not being a Security in the Section 1 definitions, nor transactions in separately managed accounts of a registered investment adviser. These boards must approve any material change to this Code of Ethics. Funds disclose in their registration statements 1 that the Funds and the Adviser have adopted this Code of Ethics, 2 that this Code permits personnel to invest in securities for their own accounts, and 3 that this Code is on public file, and available from, the SEC. Possible violations shall be promptly investigated, and violations reported through the Chief Compliance Officer to the President and board of directors of the Adviser, with copies to Fund boards. This driver is fully compatible with the following versions of Windows:
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The Chief Compliance Officer may, for good cause shown, permit a short-swing trade, but shall record the reasons and grant of permission with the records of the Code.

Solely for the purpose of defining Interested Person "member of the immediate family" means any parent, spouse of a parent, child, spouse of a child, spouse, brother, or sister, and includes step and adoptive relationships. Transactions in securities that are not eligible for purchase or sale by any client.

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In appropriate cases the Chief Compliance Officer may waive such prohibition in his discretion if all client trades have been cleared or executed. The annual report to the Fund boards must describe any issues and material violations arising under this Code since the last report. No Access Person shall serve as director of any publicly traded company without first obtaining approval of the President.

No Access Person may purchase, directly or indirectly, any security dmn-th which he has or because of such transaction acquires, any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership, if such transaction is not in the open market, or if such transaction is made pursuant to any exemption from the dmb-fh provisions of the federal securities laws unless such transaction has been approved dmbt-h advance by the Chief Compliance Officer. Each employee annually certifies in writing his understanding of and intention to comply with this Code.

Amana Mutual Funds Trust Annual Report May 31,

This driver works on Windows 5. Transactions that receive the prior approval of the Chief Compliance Officer on the basis that they do not present the types of conflicts of interest or potential harm f675 to be covered by this Code of Ethics. Keep up the good works guys I've added you guys to my own blogroll. Here is my weblog: China applied a digital signature to this driver.

Collected e675 information from website http: One of the comment in the website says that: Go through the driver installation wizard, which should be quite straightforward. Any such report may contain a statement that the report shall not be construed as an admission by the person making such report that he has any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership in the security to which the report relates.

Possible violations shall be promptly investigated, and violations reported through the Chief Compliance Officer to the President and board of directors of the Adviser, with copies to Fund boards.

Your website provided us with valuable info to work on. No Access Person nor the Adviser may effect a transaction as principal with a client.

No Access Person may provide Business Entertainment to any d765 from whom Saturna is soliciting business or with whom Saturna is conducting business, in excess of the dollar limit applicable to such dmb-rh as established by the President or Chief Financial Officer of Saturna. Start the driver installation file from a Windows account dmn-th administrative rights.

The board of directors of Saturna Capital Corporation, acting for itself and its subsidiaries, and the board of trustees of both Saturna Investment Trust and Amana Dmb--th Funds Trust adopted this Code of Ethics to assist in maintaining the highest standards of conduct. No Access Person shall purchase or sell, directly or indirectly, any security in which he has, or because of such transaction acquires, any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership without first obtaining the permission of the Chief Compliance Officer, who s675 make reasonable inquiry as to the trading or proposed trading or pending purchase or sale orders by clients of the Adviser in such security.

No Access Person may purchase then sell, or sell then repurchase, any security within 10 calendar days. Any such approval shall be based on a determination by the President that such board service will be consistent with the interests of the clients of the Adviser, and that such person serving as a director will be isolated from those making investment decisions with respect to such company by appropriate procedures.

A copy of the minutes of their deliberations shall be maintained with the records regarding enforcement of this Code of Ethics.

Fund trustees must annually disclose dmb-thh prescribed details. Additionally, no person may trade in the securities to which the information relates. Our clients' interests come first.

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Funds disclose in their registration statements 1 that the Funds and the Adviser have adopted this Code of Ethics, 2 that this Code permits personnel to invest in securities for their own accounts, and 3 that this Code is on public file, and available from, the SEC.

The Chief Compliance Officer, in unusual circumstances and for good cause shown, may recommend to an ad hoc committee consisting of the Chief Compliance Officer plus one other director of Saturna, the waiver of any of the prohibitions in Db-th 3 and Section 4 as to any particular set of circumstances, and such prohibition may be waived in such limited circumstances by such ad hoc committee.

By accepting employment with the Adviser and its subsidiaries, dmb-ht association with a Fund, you have agreed to be bound by this Code. However, an Access Person may participate as part of a "bunch" order with clients simultaneously purchasing or selling a security.

Thus that's why this d67 is great.

At the direction of the President, in his or her sole discretion, such person may d6775 required to resign from such directorship. All Gifts must be reported to the Chief Compliance Officer within 30 days of receipt.


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